Let's think about any model or actor that you have seen on the runway or in the movies. Aside from above average height and long legs, a defined jawline seems paramount and stands out almost instantly. But what's the big deal? Beauty is, of course, in the eye of the beholder. So why has there been a consistent theme of a sharp jawline that can cut diamonds? Much of it comes from the subconscious mind.
As humans, we judge others within seconds of meeting them whether you would like to admit it or not. We judge style, body type, appearance, personality, how they carry themselves, confidence and the list goes on. Taking this one step further, we have an innate desire to find a partner that seems healthy and capable of being a father/mother for our potential child. Women with wide hips may bear a child easier than someone more slim. Men with more muscle seem more capable of providing food and protection. These subconscious thoughts take us all the way back to our primitive days. With that being said, what's the story for a chiseled jawline?
A strong jawline is considered a sign of physical health and strength. Unless you are utilizing some sort of jawline gum or are following some key habits to get a jawline, a strong jawline often goes hand and hand with body fat. Someone who is more physically fit, with less body fat, will typically have a more defined jawline. For the next 24 hours, take a look at people who you would consider physically fit whilst checking out their jawline and vice versa for someone in lesser physical shape. There will more often than not be a pattern you will notice. According to psychologist Dr. Michele Barton, "A strong jawline indicates the ability to eat well, properly chew your food, and sustain health and life." From an evolutionary standpoint, a person with a strong jawline seems, stronger.
Dominance and Power
Have you ever seen someone with a permanent "confused" look on their face? This may be because their eyebrows are higher arching with a confused look. Think someone may be difficult to approach or might be an angry/mean person before they even have a chance to speak? Maybe their eyebrows tilt downward in an aggressive manner. The same goes for a sharp jawline. A chiseled jawline in men typically portrays masculinity and dominance. Biologically speaking, evidence suggests men with a more defined jawline posses higher testosterone levels. This assists in attracting a mate, even if the women doesn't realize it. In addition, a strong jawline exudes a sense of dominance and power. Not only is the individual in all likelihood more confident because of a "superior" physical appearance, others subconsciously pick up on this as well. The female jawline is coveted amongst women as well for similar reasons. It exudes a sense of superior physical condition, which gives off the evolutionary attraction to men who seek a women in great health to bear a child.
Jawline 101
The jawline outlines the focal point of your face. A narrow, weak jawline is typically not seem as attractive as a full, wide and strong jawline. It can make your face seem unsymmetrical and even make your head seem slightly larger on the top hemisphere, and narrower on the bottom, similar to a "balloon head". With a weak jaw, the upper lip also tends to protrude out more creating an unpleasant facial aesthetic. The jaw can be round and puffy, especially with excess fat. This is why we highly recommend jawline gum to exercise the muscles in the jaw and stimulate growth, coupled with reducing body fat with cardio and diet. Age plays an important role as well. As we age, our collagen production declines and we begin to gain excess fat and saggy skin in the jaw and neck. Exercising those muscles and supplementing
collagen into your diet can play a huge role in maintaining a strong jawline for years to come. A weak jaw can surely harm a person's self esteem. Although factors such as genetics and lack of exercise can add to this, it is not permanent and can be improved!
Strong Jawline
A strong jawline is somewhat square and sharp. While your bone structure plays a part in this, exercise to strengthen the muscles in the jaw can be utilized to achieve a chiseled, strong jawline.
Mewing can assist in improving the facial aesthetic as well!
Weak Jawline
A weak jawline can be defined as narrow, lacking muscle and a "receding chin". Some studies show that genetically speaking, our jawlines have narrowed over the years to allow room for a larger brain. This could mean that our great great ancestors may have had smaller heads/brains, and wider and stronger jawlines to tear into any tough meat that was hunted. A weak jawline doesn't have to be permanent! Chewing gum to help sculpt your jawline is by far the simplest and most effective strategy. Let's take a deeper dive.Chewing gum helps exercise many muscles in the face and neck which, in turn, tighten the skin and create more definition. Chewing our trademark
mastic gum takes this one step further, comparable to running a mile (chewing regular gum for your jawline) versus running a mile with a 100 pound weighted vest on (chewing mastic gum for your jawline). Mastic gum is roughly 8x thicker in consistency when compared to your average chewing gum. This means your jaw is working 8x harder and building muscle more rapidly. Just like any other muscle, our
masseter muscle in our jaw can quickly acclimate to regular chewing gum where it becomes a walk in the park. Our included exercise program gradually builds up the masseter muscle in the jaw so you are constantly shocking the muscle and getting better results, quicker.