The Attractive Female Jawline

female jawline
A strong jawline in men has scientifically been proven to give off a sense of masculinity, fitness and strength.  But what about the female jawline?  Women biologically carry more body fat than men as a general rule of thumb, which is why the female jawline is something that is worth striving for that can separate you from the pack!
How to Get a Jawline Female Edition
Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, Gal Gadot
What do some of these female celebrities have in common aside from their ridiculous good looks?  You guessed it.  They are the epitome of the female jawline on display whether you have noticed it or not (hit google and take a look).
But what's the big deal?  Like it or not, we as humans judge others within a split second of meeting them.  Seems shallow we know, but this is the harsh reality.  Studies show that a strong female jawline can exude a sense of fertility and strength as well.  We are instinctually attracted to a mate who seems like the best candidate to successfully reproduce and bear our children.  Women with too much body fat or too little for that matter statistically have lower fertility rates.  Inherently, as body fat declines the muscles in the jaw become more visible.  On the other hand, too little body fat will eat into the muscle making the jaw muscles weaker and less profound.  The trick is to have the correct balance, and exercise the jaw as often as possible!  Luckily we have included some simple tips and tricks below to get you headed in the right direction!
Female Jawline Before and After (must see video)
Body Fat
On average, men contain a body fat of roughly 15% while women hover around 25%.  This of course varies from person to person. It goes without saying that the male jawline is generally more likely to be profound versus the female jawline.  No worries, though! There are still plenty of ways how to get a jawline regardless of gender.  
The four main factors at play are muscle strength, body fat, diet and mewing. 
Jawline gum effectively exercises the three main muscles in the jaw.  These are the masseter, pterygoid and temporalis.  Normal gum and daily chewing will exercise those muscles efficiently enough for maintenance.  If you would like to get the the next level, jawline gum offers 10x more thickness and resistance when compared to average chewing gum.  More resistance, more muscle.
Next is body fat.  Reducing body fat with some cardio or daily exercise will generally reduce bloat and make it easier for the jaw muscles to show!  Think about 6 pack abs.  You can exercise your abs every day and see results over time.  However, there is still a layer of fat covering those strong abs and reducing body fat will allow those new muscles to shine right through!
Diet is another important key to facial fitness.  The average person eats significantly more than the recommended daily dosage of sodium on a daily basis.  Reducing sodium intake reduces bloat and will be a nice supplement to the above mentioned techniques. 
Lastly, many people have had many positive experiences with mewing.  It is the jawline sculpting technique of closing your lips, placing your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth and holding for as long and often as possible.  It helps with neck posture, jawline posture and also helps make your face more aesthetically appealing, especially if you naturally have a "double chin".
How to get a jawline for females 101: combine the 4 jawline tricks above and you will have a chiseled jawline in no time!