5 Tricks To Get a Sculpted Jawline

how to get a jawline
Ahh the sharp jawline.  Sought after by many, attained by only a few.  Your search ends now!  Today we will discuss some techniques that will help you turn your biggest weakness into your biggest strength and you will be turning heads in no time!
Myth - "A chiseled jawline is genetic"
While some people have physical attributes that come easier to them than others naturally, a chiseled and sharp jawline can be attained with some consistent jawline exercises.  Just like the naturally skinny kid who worked out every day to gain muscle, or the overweight kid who woke up early everyday to do cardio and dropped 50 pounds, sculpting your jawline can be achieved with discipline and a little work. 
Although your bone structure cannot be altered without surgery, the three main muscles in the jaw can surely be exercised to grow and become more profound, while also tightening the skin in the area to make them more visible.  
Ok so let's get to it!  How to get a jawline 101
#1 Jawline Gum (also known as mastic gum)
Mastic gum (also known as mastic crystals) has been chewed on for thousands of years, primarily in Europe, as the original chewing gum!  Mastic is grown ONLY in Chios Island, Greece, and it is roughly 8x thicker in consistency than normal gum.  See our blog post Does Chewing Gum Help Jawline for a deeper dive.  While chewing regular gum will help to build a strong jawline over time, chewing mastic gum will help take it to the next level and truly push your jaw to the point of exhaustion for maximum growth.  The best part?  You can chew discretely and no one will ever know you are working on your facial fitness!  It is best to follow a jawline workout program as to not overwork the muscles, though.  Your jawline muscles need rest to repair themselves and grow.
#2 Reduce Body Fat
We know, we know.  Easier said than done.  Well, you were the one that asked how to get a sharp jawline and this combined with the jawline gum mentioned above will do just that in the shortest amount of time!  Diet plays a major role in body fat, as well as exercise.  If you are taking this jawline journey serious, our best recommendation would be to simply chew on some jawline gum while hitting the bike or treadmill a few days a week.  You can knock them both out at the same time, and you will be looking like superman or your favorite supermodel in no time! 
Fun Fact: chewing gum while exercising subconsciously causes you to breathe quicker and more deeply.  This increases the total oxygen intake over that strenuous period.  Many professional athletes with asthma like Derek Jeter purposely chew gum while training to assist their breathing!
Here is a good way to look at it.  Doing sit-ups in the gym consistently will eventually help show off that awesome six pack.  With that being said, your six pack will be more visible if you get rid of some excess body fat that is covering your abs at the same time.  The muscle is growing regardless and you will notice results, but reducing body fat will only speed up and add onto those results!  Want to know how to get a jawline?  Exercise the three muscles in the jaw and improve your diet and cardio!
Sculpted Jawline
#3 Reduce Salt Intake and Drink More Water
Did you know: The average person should consume no more than 1 tablespoon of sodium on any given day.  Studies show that we typically consume on average 3400mg daily, when the recommended amount is only 2300mg.  Nothing makes your face puffier than excess sodium in your diet.  Try slightly reducing your sodium intake if you are currently over doing it, and also drink more water to flush your system and reduce bloat.
#4 Collagen and Skin Care
As we age, collagen production slowly declines.  Collagen helps keep the skin tight and elastic.  Working a collagen supplement into your diet will keep the skin in the face healthy, youthful and tight.  The tighter the skin, the easier it is for the muscles underneath to show and make that sharp jawline POP!
#5 Mewing
Mewing restructures the face by utilizing strategic tongue placement over a long period of time.  This should help bring the jawline forward and also aid in the positioning of crowded teeth to bring the jaw into it's "correct" position.  Mewing is done by closing your lips with your teeth SLIGHTLY separated.  You then place your ENTIRE tongue up against the roof of your mouth, even the back part closest to your throat.  It takes time and practice, but there have been many success stories shared across the internet about the art of mewing.  Check out our recent mewing blog post for more detailed information and a step by step guide.
Now, let's bring it all together.
How to get a sharp jawline
1) Exercise the facial muscles with jawline exercises and jawline gum
2) Reduce overall body fat with diet and exercise
3) Reduce sodium intake and drink more water to reduce bloat
4) Try adding collagen into your diet
5) Mewing